What if I told you that vector spaces and subspaces are like the continental United States and the great state of Colorado?

Jenn, Founder Calcworkshop®, 15+ Years Experience (Licensed & Certified Teacher)
Analogy: Vector Spaces as the United States
Think of it like this.
The United States is huge!
With bustling cities and towns, dense forests, sprawling deserts, rolling hills, spacious skies, amber waves of grain, and purple mountain majesty … just borrowing a few words from the song America, the Beautiful.
Each region and state are unique, thus, making it difficult to show or “prove” its splendor.
So instead of trying to prove every aspect of what makes the United States exceptional, which would be quite an extensive list, we will choose just one state to focus on.
Because if we can show that this one state is amazing by association, we have thus proven that all 50 states are also amazing.
That’s the idea of vector spaces and subspaces. The continental United States is the vector space containing 48 connecting states (vectors).
Colorado is the subspace, a smaller vector space within the larger space. If we can show that Colorado has all the properties we need and want, then that means the continental United States does as well.

Vector Space Subspace (US Map)
Axioms of Vector Spaces
Okay, what qualities or properties do we need to prove?
You see, a vector space is a nonempty set
The axioms hold for all vectors
- The sum of
and , denoted , is in . - There is a zero vector
in such that - For each
in , there is a vector in such that - The scalar multiple of
by c, denoted , is in .
Proving Whether a Set is a Vector Space
And to prove whether
An Example of a Set Not Being a Vector Space
For example, assume we let
To show that
Knowing that

Graphing Vector Space (First Quadrant)
The addition of two vectors, where

Vector Space (Closed Under Addition)
However, scalar multiplication is another thing entirely for
What would that mean?
Suppose we let

Scalar Multiplication (Not Vector Space)
But we’re only allowed to be in quadrant
Introduction to Subspaces
But gosh, what would happen if
We would have to prove all ten axioms!
And no one wants to do that!
So, instead of proving all ten, we will prove a subspace with only three axioms.
Again, think… if we can prove Colorado (subspace) is great, and if Colorado is inside the continental United States, then this proves that the United States (vector space) is also great.
A subspace of a vectors space
- The zero vector of
is in , so it’s not empty. is closed under vector addition. That is, for each and in , the sum is also in . is closed under multiplication by scalars. That is, for each in and each scalar , the vector is in .
Now, we can all agree that proving three axioms is better than 10, but how do we begin?
The Idea of Span and Subspaces
Here’s the trick: a subspace is just like the span.
Think of it like a subset.
If a subset of
Therefore, given any subspace
Proving a Set is a Vector Space
Let’s look at an example.
First, let’s write the vectors in
Now, let’s check to see if the zero vector can be found by letting
Since zero vector is in the vector space, we can now see if the set of vectors spans W by looking for a consistent matrix using elementary row operations.
See, it’s easy!
Next Steps
In this lesson, you will:
- Learn how to prove vector spaces
- Find counterexamples
- Find a set of vectors that span a vector space
- Determine how many vectors are in the span
- Check if W is in the subspace spanned by the vectors or by the columns of matrix A
Get ready to explore these concepts, and let’s get started!
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