Hypothesis Testing
1 hr 17 min 21 Examples
- Introduction to Video: Statistical Hypotheses
- Overview of Hypothesis Testing and determining a correctly stated hypothesis testing problem (Examples #1-7)
- State the Null Hypothesis and the Alternative Hypothesis for each scenario (Examples #8-12)
- Hypothesis Testing Steps and Overview of Type I and Type II errors (Examples #13-14)
- Describe a Type 1 error and a Type 2 error (Examples #15-16)
- Overview of p-value and Tails of the Hypothesis Test
- Find the probability of a Type I and Type II error (Example #17)
- Identify null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, and state whether the scenario is a one-tail or two-tailed test (Examples #18-21)
Population Proportion
1 hr 10 min 7 Examples
- Introduction to Video: Hypothesis Test for Population Proportions
- Overview of hypothesis tests for proportions and understanding the p-value and significance level
- Test for significance using a one-tail z-test (Examples #1-2)
- Construct a hypothesis test for a two-tail z-test (Examples#3)
- Create a hypothesis test and provide a confidence interval (Example #4)
- How to create a hypothesis test for the difference of two population proportions (Example #5)
- Construct a hypothesis test and provide a confidence interval for the difference of proportions (Example #6)
- Create a hypothesis test for the difference of population proportions (Example #7)
One Sample T Test
59 min 6 Examples
- Introduction to Video: One Sample t-test
- Steps for conducting a hypothesis test for population means (one sample z-test or one sample t-test)
- Conduct a hypothesis test and confidence interval when population standard deviation is known (Example #1)
- Test the hypothesis when population standard deviation is known (Example #2)
- Use a one-sample t-test to test a claim (Example #3)
- Conduct a hypothesis test and confidence interval when population standard deviation is unknown (Example #4)
- Conduct a hypothesis test by using a one-sample t-test and provide a confidence interval (Example #5)
- Test the hypothesis by first finding the sample mean and standard deviation (Example #6)
Two Sample T Test
1 hr 22 min 7 Examples
- Introduction to Video: Two Sample Hypothesis Test for Population Means
- How to write a two sample hypothesis test when population standard deviation is known? (Example#1)
- Construct a two sample hypothesis test when population standard deviation is known (Example #2)
- What is a Two-Sample t-test? Pooled variances or non-pooled variances?
- Use a two sample t-test with un-pooled variances (Example #3)
- Create a two sample t-test and confidence interval with pooled variances (Example #4)
- Construct a two-sample t-test (Example #5)
- Matched Pair one sample t-test (Example #6)
- Use a match paired hypothesis test and provide a confidence interval for difference of means (Example #7)
Chi Square Test
1 hr 34 min 8 Examples
- Introduction to Video: Chi-Square Goodness of Fit
- Overview of the Chi-Square Distribution and Goodness of Fit Test
- Use the Chi Square Goodness-of-fit Test to determine if observed frequencies match expected frequencies (Examples #1-2)
- Determine if observed frequencies match expected frequencies using Chi-Square Goodness of fit test (Examples #1-2)
- Chi Square Test explained for Independence with (Example #5)
- Test for independence (Example #6)
- Overview of the Chi Square Test for Homogeneity with (Example #7)
- Determine if the population proportions are homogeneous (Example #8)
Chapter Test
1 hr 27 min 11 Practice Problems
- One sample hypothesis test with confidence interval for population proportions (Problem #1)
- One sample hypothesis test with confidence interval for population means (Problem #2)
- Describe Type I and Type II errors (Problem #3)
- Two sample hypothesis test for population proportions (Problem #4)
- Two sample t-test with pooled variances for difference of means (Problem #5)
- Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test (Problem #6)
- Two sample t-test without pooling for difference of means (Problem #7)
- Chi-Square Test for Independence (Problem #8)
- Mathed Pair Test (Problem #9)
- Chi-Square Test for Homogeneity (Problem #10)
- One sample t-test with confidence interval for difference of means (Problem #11)