Throughout this lesson we are going to become masters at being able to write a Linear Inequality given a real life situation, and interpret out results.
We begin this lesson with a quick review of our three basic steps for solving any type of word problem:
- Read the problem carefully, noting punctuation, and determine the question being asked.
- Create a sidebar, by identifying all important information and translating words into algebraic expressions.
- Form one Inequality statement and solve.
By using these three surefire steps, we will quickly see that Inequality Word Problems are more than manageable.
In fact, we will learn how to handle such problems dealing with multiple unknowns, evaluate expressions, and interpret our answers.
We will remind ourselves of our inequality key phrases, as Algebra Class so nicely summarizes, draw upon our knowledge of how to simplify expressions and solve inequalities using our SCAM technique.
Together we will look at five classic questions in detail, where we will practice writing linear inequalities with variables in order to describe real-word situations.
Inequality Word Problems (How-To) – Video
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