We are now about to expand upon our knowledge of Vectors that we first introduced in precalculus.
We know that a vector is a directed line segment with direction and magnitude, and that combined with angles, triangles and trigonometry they help us to explain motion, force, and navigation.
We begin with an understanding of how to represent Vectors in 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Space, as well as looking at some fundamental Properties of Vectors.
A Vector, according to Wikipedia, is a used to indicate a quantity, such as velocity or force, that has both magnitude (length) and direction.
Together we will learn how to represent vectors by sketching them and finding their magnitude and direction in 2D.
We will also learn how to Add and Subtract Vectors, as well as multiply vectors (Dot Product) and find the Cross Product, or the perpendicular vector.
Then we will walk through countless examples in detail and learn how to
- Limit
- Derivative
- Integral of a 2-Dimensional Vector
- Speed of a Vector
Vectors Lesson Video
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