Sometimes changing variables will make a huge difference in our ability to evaluate an integral.

Jenn, Founder Calcworkshop®, 15+ Years Experience (Licensed & Certified Teacher)
We’ve seen the power of changing variables with u-substitution in single variable calculus, as well as switching to:
- Polar Coordinates
- Cylindrical Coordinates, or
- Spherical Coordinates
for multiple integrals.
But what did these transformations do for us?
By making a change of variables, we went from an integral that was “hard” to evaluate to something that was “easier.”
And let’s be honest…
…making integration easier is always the goal.
So, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a more general method for changing variables in multiple integrals?
You bet!
And the answer is found in the Jacobian transformation.
Let’s learn why that is.
Change Of Variables
Okay, so in order to make a change of variables for multiple integrals, we must first consider the one-to-one transformation
This will then allow

Using Change Of Variables And Transformation Maps
This means that the transformation
is just a function whose domain and range are both subsets of the real numbers in 2-space, which allows us to go back and forth from to .
Why is that important?
Well, suppose region
For instance, by changing variables, we can transform parallelograms into rectangles or ellipses into circles, which makes the region we are integrating over easier to handle.
Great. But how do we accomplish this?
By using the Jacobian method.
Jacobian Transformation
The Jacobian of the transformation
Such that:
So, instead of integrating
Example – Jacobian Determinant
Let’s quickly look at an example of how we compute the Jacobian.
Well, the first thing we will do is find the first order partials with respect to
and separately for both of our parametric equations.
Now we place our partials into our determinant and evaluate.
And now we have just proven why we must multiply by
Example – Change Of Variable In Multiple Integrals
Now that we know how to find the Jacobian, let’s use it to solve an iterated integral by looking at how we use this new integration method.
Ok, so the first thing we will do is sketch our region.
Sketch X Plus Y Equals 1 Cartesian Coordinates
Next, we will notice that our function
is quite messy, and that without a suitable substitution trying to evaluate our double integral is going to be nigh impossible. Time to make a change of variables.
So, looking more closely at our function
we can let the numerator be:
But to change variables, we need to rewrite both
and in terms of and .
Now we have
and , which means we are now ready to find our Jacobian determinant.
Next, we need to find our new limits of integration for
and . We do this by substituting
and into our region domain and solving to obtain our new region. If
and , then we can say or .
Ifand , then we can say or .
Ifand and , then we can say…
So, our new region looks like this:
Uv Coordinates Region
And if we use horizontal slices, we obtain limit bounds as follows:
Finally, we’re ready to plug everything into our change of variables formula and evaluate.
See. We went from an impossibly “hard” integral to one that was “easier.”
3 Variable Jacobian
And a change of variables doesn’t just work for double integrals, but triple integrals too! The Jacobian transformation is defined similarly for a transformation of three variables where we will calculate the determinant using expansion by minors (cofactors).
In fact, we use this particular Jacobian determinant for the three-variable transformation into spherical coordinates, thus yielding the Jacobian of
Now, changing variables can take a bit to get used to and isn’t for the faint of heart.
But don’t worry. We will work through examples in detail so you will get the hang of it in no time!
Let’s get to it.
Video Tutorial w/ Full Lesson & Detailed Examples (Video)
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