Law of Sines
56 min 4 Examples
- Introduction to Video: Law of Sines
- Overview of Oblique Triangles and Review of Geometry Concepts
- Law of Sines Formula and Steps for Solving
- Examples #1-2: Solve the given triangle with AAS Congruency
- Example #3: Solve the given triangle with ASA Congruency
- Example #4: Solve the given triangle with ASA Congruency and DMS Measure
Law of Sines – Ambiguous Case
1 hr 7 min 7 Examples
- Introduction to Video: Law of Sines – Ambiguous Case
- Overview of the Ambiguous Case
- Steps for Solving Triangles involving the Ambiguous Case – FRUIT Method
- Examples #1-5: Determine the Congruency and How Many Triangles Exist
- Examples #5-7: Solve for each Triangle that Exists
Law of Cosines
41 min 3 Examples
- Introduction to Video: Law of Cosines
- Overview of Law of Cosines with Proof
- Examples #1-3: Solve the triangle using Law of Cosines
Heron’s Formula
26 min 5 Examples
- Introduction to Video: Area of a Triangle and Heron’s Formula
- Overview of Area of a Triangle Formula
- Examples #1-2: Find the Area of a Triangle
- Example #3: Find the Area of a Triangle by first using Law of Sines
- Overview of Heron’s Formula
- Examples #4-5: Find the Area of a Triangle using Heron’s Formula
Chapter Test
58 min 9 Examples
- Examples #1-6: Solve each triangle that exists
- Examples #7-9: Find the area of the triangle