Did you know that Postulates, or Axioms, are statements that are accepted as true.
Well, in math we call such postulates Algebraic Properties or Math Properties.
And in this lesson we are not only going to learn the nine Algebra Properties:
- Distributive Property
- Commutative Property
- Associative Property
- Identity Property
- Inverse Property
- Reflexive Property
- Symmetric Property
- Transitive Property
…but we will also learn “why” they work and why they are important to know.
Wait, there are nine properties that I have to memorize?
Yes, but don’t worry! I have some really awesome ways for remembering each property, that you’ll find that these Properties are easy to know and identify.
Now, you may be wondering why you even need to memorize these basic math properties in the first place, right?
It’s a great question, and one that I asked when I was learning them.
While it’s true that the name of each property will not become as important in future math courses, as Purple Math states, their function and operation will remain true for every math system you use. So knowing and obeying these rules are going to be extremely important.
Additionally, when you are trying to justify or prove that your work is valid and accurate, it will sometime be necessary to name the Property (axiom or postulate) in order to emphasize your point.
Together we are going to learn the Properties of Math and use them in simplifying or evaluating expressions.
Algebraic Properties Explained – Video
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