Did you know that most environmental phenomena have imposed restrictions such as space and resources.
In other words, a population size is limited by the amount of support the environment can yield. These are density dependent situations, and therefore we need a new formula.
The Logistic Equation, or Logistic Model, is a more sophisticated way for us to analyze population growth.
What makes population different from Natural Growth equations is that it behaves like a restricted exponential function. In other words, logistic growth has a limiting or carrying capacity for population in the sense that populations often increases exponentially in its early stages but levels off due to limited resources.
First we will discover how to recognize the formula for all logistic equations, sometimes referred to as the Verhulst model or logistic growth curve, according to Wolfram MathWorld.
Then we will learn how to find the limiting capacity and maximum growth grate for logistic functions.
Logistic Differential Equation Video
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