How do you model population growth? Can we measure radioactive decay? Is there a way to measure interest rates?
In fact, there are countless real-world phenomena that can be modeled by functions that describe how things are growing or decaying over time, such as population, bacterial, radioactive substances, viruses, temperature, and more.
So how do we measure these changes?
Exponential Growth and Decay, is calculated with one useful formula and is derived using our knowledge of Separable Differential Equation.
And sometimes this formula is called the Law of Natural Growth or the Law of Natural Decay.
In general, we will be looking specifically at questions were the rate of change, either growth or decay, is proportional to its size.
As the Math Bits Notebook nicely points out, any quantity that grows or decays by a fixed percent at regular intervals is said to possess exponential growth or exponential decay.
Together, we will learn to recognize these types of functions, and be able to utilize our one simple formula to solve such a differential equation.
Additionally, we will find the three given conditions needed to plug into our one simple formula, and use our techniques to solve five different exponential growth and decay problems.
Exponential Growth and Decay Video
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