How to subtract decimals?
Do you remember the math basics?
Don’t worry, that’s exactly what we’re going to do today.
With just 3 simple steps, you’ll be subtracting decimals with ease.
Let’s jump in!
When subtracting decimals, order matters!
Because these locations tell us how to write our values in column form, as the image nicely shows.
And don’t forget…
…whenever we subtract, either with whole numbers or decimals, we need to make sure that subtract the smaller number from the bigger number.
Step-by-Step Example
So, now we’re ready for the three easy steps for subtracting decimals, supposing we use the following problem: 68.75 – 32.4
- Just like we did when we learned with adding decimals, we write down the two numbers, one under the other, making sure the decimal points are lined up.
- If necessary, we put in zero placeholders after the decimal point so that the numbers have the same size (same number of digits).
- Subtract, borrowing when needed, and bring the decimal point straight down for the answer.
That’s it.
Subtracting decimals is just like subtracting whole numbers, except we have to line up our decimal places as noted by SplashLearn.
4th & 5th Grade Decimals
As you progress through school, each grade will expand upon the topic of decimal subtraction. So in fourth and fifth grade, you will be subtracting either two, one-digit numbers or two, two-digit decimal numbers.
7th & 8th Grade Decimals
Whereas, in sixth and seventh grade, you will be subtracting multi-digit decimals, as well as how to subtract decimals from whole numbers.
The great thing is that if you know how to subtract, you can subtract decimals of any size, as the technique is always the same.
But there’s more!
We’re even going to look at how to subtract three decimals!
Subtraction Words
And lastly, we’ll investigate some keywords or phrases that tell us we need to “subtract,” like:
- Difference
- Less
- Minus
- etc
as they will help us when working through word problems involving decimals in a future lesson.
Worksheet (PDF) — Hands on Practice
It’s all fun and games until you try it on your own. So give these worksheets a go — improve your knowledge!
Practice Problems
Step-by-Step Solutions
This video lesson will show you everything you need to know about subtracting decimals, no matter what grade you are in.
Let’s jump right in!
Subtracting Decimals – Lesson & Examples (Video)
26 min
- Introduction to Video: Subtracting Decimals
- 00:00:42 – How to subtract Decimals? Three Easy Steps!
- 00:05:35 – Find the difference (Examples #1-2)
- 00:10:28 – Subtract the decimals (Examples #3-6)
- 00:21:59 – What are the key words that tell use to “subtract”?
- Practice Problems with Step-by-Step Solutions
- Chapter Tests with Video Solutions
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