Ratios and proportions help us in solving problems with percents.
Because a percent is the ratio (fraction) of one number to another.
In other words, its a number divided by 100.
What is most important to note is that our overall goal is to translate each problem into an algebraic expression by looking for keywords such as “of” and “is,” and then solve for the unknown variable.
First, we will look at how a percent is created by understanding it is simply a proportion:
And we will quickly see that most problems will follow a very simple Percents Formula, as Khan Academy so accurately states.
Together will look at how to change percents to fractions, percents to decimals, and decimals to percents for various problems.
Additionally, we will look at real-world examples, such as finding the percent of commission, the price of an item with a percent discount, change in population, as well as mixture problems.
Solving Percents (How-To) – Video
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