In this lesson, we are going to explore the second property of exponents: Raising Exponents to a Power.
The concept that we are going to look at is what do we do when we want to exponentiate an expression that already contains an exponent.
This rule is broken up into two foundational ideas: Power of a Power (or Power of Monomials), and Power of a Product.
The coolest thing about these two rules is all we have to do is multiply our exponents together!
So simple!
But there is a warning….
…the Power to a Power or Power of a Product rules can only be used as long as the operation inside the parentheses is multiplication!
This means there can be no addition or subtraction inside our parentheses.
We are going to walk through 17 examples in great detail where we are going to learn how to raise powers to powers, as Mesa Community College calls it, using both numeral and variable exponents.
Multiplying Exponents (How-To) – Video
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