This video is just an extension of our previous lesson on how to solve multi-step equations.
Now that we know how to SCAM an equation, we are going to apply these same skills for solving linear equations with variables on both sides.
The trick to solving these types of equations is to know that if we can add or multiply a number to both sides of an equation, then we can do the same thing with variables!
Remember, a variable is a symbol or letter that represents one or more numbers.
So when we move a variable from one side of the equation to the other, we’re just moving a number! And that’s why we can do it!
Now, we know that our answer (solution or root), is one that makes the equation true.
But for some equations, there are no answers or roots, for we will end up with a false statement! When this happens, we call it the empty set or null set.
And even more puzzling, is that sometimes our answer will be every real number, not just one!
In these instances, we say that our equation is an identity, as Khan Academy nicely states.
Together we will walk through countless examples, similar to the one on the left, to solve equations with variables on both sides.
In the end you will feel comfortable and confident in SCAMing even the most difficult of questions, just like the example you see to the left.
Variables on Both Sides – Video
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