Knowing how to solve an equation is one of those necessary skills in mathematics.
Math Analysis is all about solving different types of equations. So it’s important to take a moment to review the types we already know how to solve and brush up on some skills that may have been forgotten over the years.
In fact, what you will see as we progress through this course is that a lot of the new equations that we will encounter, like
- Exponential
- Logarithmic
- Polynomial
- Rational
- Differentials
all relate back to the skills and tricks we learned when solving Linear and Quadratic Equations, as Khan Academy accurately states.
To begin we will remind ourselves of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, and how it enables us to find solutions (roots) to create our Solution Set all while reviewing how to solve:
- Linear Equations
- Quadratic Equations
- Rational Equations
Did you know that you have learned four major ways to solve a Quadratic Equation over your mathematical career?
Yes indeed!
You’ve learned how to solve by (1) Factoring, (2) Square Roots, (3) Quadratic Formula, and (4) Completing the Square!
Doesn’t it feel good to know that you’re already a math genius!
But it may have been a while since you’ve seen some of these techniques, so we will review all of these concepts and skills because they will come in incredibly handy for future lessons and units.
We will also remind ourselves how to solve equations with variables in the denominator (i.e., Rational Equations) as well as what to do when we encounter negative exponents.
Solving Equations – Video
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